Certificate Course in Computer Applications

  1. Introduction of Computer
    • Introduction to Computer, Applications of computer
    • Generations of Computer
    • Components of Computer System
    • Input/Output Devices
    • Computer Memory
    • Concepts of Hardware and Software
    • Computer Number System

  2. Introduction to WINDOWS & DOS
    • Introduction of Operating System
    • MS-DOS- Internal and External Commands
    • Introduction to MS-Windows Operating System
    • Desktop, My Computer, Documents, Recycle Bin
    • Folders, Files, Control Panel

  3. MS WORD
    • Features of MS-Word
    • Creating, Editing, Formatting and Printing Word Files
    • Headers, Footers, Page Borders
    • Inserting Tables, Auto Format
    • Inserting different objects like Images, Shapes, Files etc.
    • Mail Merge
    • Spelling and Grammar Checking

    • Overview Of Excel Features
    • Creating, Editing, Formatting worksheets
    • Cell References
    • Applying formulas
    • If-Else conditions in Excel
    • Handling Numbers, Strings and Date datatype in Excel
    • Creating Pivot tables and Charts
    • Creating Tables
    • Filter and advance sorting
    • Advance Excel Functions
    • Data Tools, What-if analysis, Data Table

    • Overview of PowerPoint features
    • Creating slides and Presentation
    • Inserting, Deleting and editing Slides
    • Inserting objects- Images, Audio, Video
    • Slide Transitions
    • Custom Animations

    • Introduction to Tables, Database
    • Creating Database
    • Creating Tables
    • Applying different constraints
    • Creating Queries on database
    • Generating Reports, Forms

  7. Basics of Networking
    • Concept of Networking
    • LAN, MAN, WAN
    • Network Topologies
    • Connecting to Internet
    • ISP, WWW, Web Browsers, Search Engines
    • Understanding URL, Domain Names, IP address
    • Network Protocols
    • Virus, types of Virus
    • Antivirus and its usage
    • Basic of Internet
    • Creating an Email Account
    • Sending and receiving emails

Diploma Course

  1. Internet Baics
    • Web Essentials: Clients, Servers, and Communication

  2. HTML
    • Web Development Introduction
    • HTML-Introduction
    • HTML-Basic Formatting Tags
    • HTML-Grouping Using Div Span
    • HTML-Lists
    • HTML-Images
    • HTML-Hyperlink
    • HTML-Table
    • HTML-Iframe
    • HTML-Form

  3. CSS
    • Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
    • Types of CSS
    • ID Selector
    • Tag Selector Class Selector
    • CSS Properties
    • Type Properties Background Properties Block Properties Box Properties
    • List Properties Border Properties

  4. PLT
    • Input/Output
    • Algorithmn
    • Flowchart

  5. Python
    • Introduction to Python, History, Applications
    • Data Types
    • Strings
    • Conditional Structure
    • Looping Structure
    • List
    • Tuple
    • Set
    • Dictionary
    • Functions
    • Object Oriented Programming, OOP concepts
    • Numpy
    • Pandas
    • Matplotlib

  6. SQL
    • Introduction of Database
    • DDL
    • DML
    • DCL

  7. Corel Draw
    • Module 1.Getting started, Introduction to Corel Draw with Corel Draw, Features of Corel Draw, Corel Draw Interface, Tool Box
    • Module 2 .Drawing and Coloring;Selecting Objects;Creating Basic Shapes Reshaping Objects Organising objects Applying color fills and Outlines
    • Module 3. Mastering with Text; Introduction; Text Tool; Artistic and paragraph text; Formatting Text; Embedding Objects into text;Wrapping Text around Object;Linking Text to Objects
    • Module 4 .Applying Effects;Introduction; Power of Blends; Distortion; Contour Effects;Envelopes; Transparency;Creating Depth Effects;Power Clips

  8. Photoshop
    • Types of Image Graphics Introduction to Adobe Photoshop
    • Interface Tour of Photoshop Color Modes
    • Resolution and Presets Move Tool
    • Marque Tool
    • Lasso Tool
    • Quick Selection, Magic Wand Crop, Slicing Tool
    • Healing Brush, Patch Tool Brush Tool
    • History Brush
    • Eraser Tool
    • Pen Tool, Shape Tool Text Tool
    • Layers, Groups and Smart Object
    • Blending Options
    • Filter Effects
    • Create Backgrounds for Web pages
    • Create Buttons for Web pages

  9. System Analysis and Design
    • System and Types
    • System analyst and his roles
    • Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Advance Diploma Course

  1. The .Net Framework
    • Introduction
    • Introduction Common Language Runtime (CLR)
    • Common Type System (CTS)
    • Common Language Specification (CLS)
    • Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)
    • Just-In –Time Compilation
    • Framework Base Classes.
    • Data Types, Identifiers, Variables, Constants and Literals

  2. C# & Object Oriented Programming
    • Object Oriented Methodology
    • Classes and Objects
    • Functions
    • Constructor and Destructor
    • Working with Static Variables and Static Functions
    • Array
    • Srrings
    • Inheritance
    • Abstraction
    • Virtual Functions and Polymorphism
    • Exception Handling
    • Delegates and Events

  3. ASP.NET
    • Introduction to Asp.Net
    • Standard Controls
    • Texbox Server Control
    • Button Server Control
    • Link Button
    • Image Button
    • Hyperlink
    • Dropdown List & List Box
    • Chekbox x& Checkbox List
    • Radiobutton & Radiobutton List
    • Calendar
    • Adrotator
    • Panel
    • HiddenField
    • FileUpload
    • Validation Controls
    • Navigation Controls
    • Data Controls
    • Ajax Controls
    • State Management
    • Working with Master Pages
    • Apply Themes and Skins
    • Web Services

    • Relational database concepts
    • Structured Query Language
    • Constraints and joins
    • Stored Procedures
    • Functions
    • Triggers

  5. ADO.NET
    • Basics of Ado.net
    • Programming with Ado.net

  6. Software Engineering
    • Introduction
    • Software Requirements Analysis and Specifications: Use Case Approach
    • Software Requirement Specification Document, Flow oriented Modeling, Data Flow Modeling, Sequence Diagrams
    • Software Testing: Strategic Approach to Software Testing, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Validation Testing, System Testing; Black-Box and White Box Testing


(University of Delhi)
NEW DELHI - 110002

011-35386152, 011-35386172
Vocational Center: 011-35386167

Mon-Fri: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM

Principal Office: matasundricollege.du@gmail.com
Admin Office: mscadmin@ms.du.ac.in
Vocational Center: vocational@ms.du.ac.in